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Am I A Sex Addict?

According to a recent study done and presented by the Mayo Clinic Health System, they reveal that; “nearly 10% of U.S. adults, representing 24 million individuals, are struggling with sex addiction.”

Sex addiction is FAR from just ‘liking’ sex. While healthy sexual activity boosts the immune system and helps to relieve stress built up by everyday activities - sex addiction can make people lose control of their sexual thoughts and behaviors. In the process, it negatively affects their own lives and the lives of people around them.

There are quite a few common signs of sex addiction: cheating on partners, preoccupation with sex, excessive pornography use, overwhelming feelings of shame/guilt after sex, or thoughts and fantasies of engaging in a sexual act that is incongruent with the individual’s belief system.

If you or someone you know relates to these signs, please don’t hesitate to seek help from a licensed CSAT (certified sex addiction therapist) to help regain a healthy balance.

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph — who is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist trained in EMDR, specializing in sex addictions, couples therapy, and trauma.

Best Online CSAT Therapist in California - Virtual Counselor

What is Sex Addiction?

To better explain sex addiction, let’s visualize this scenario. Claire, who has been with her partner David for five years, has recently been getting more involved in certain sexual activities. Over time, David begins to notice that Claire has developed out-of-control sexual behaviors that are causing problems in their romantic life.

His boundaries are being crossed, but Claire doesn’t stop. Her thoughts, as well as behaviors, regarding sex have become compulsive, with an inability to stop despite the negative consequences that David has warned her will happen if she crosses the boundaries they have set. Eventually, Claire breaks down, claiming she can not stop herself or her actions.

This is a prime example of someone who has become sex addicted.

Top 7 Signs of Sex Addiction

Here are seven signs of sex addiction that David may have noticed concerning Claire. Hindering her ability to have a happy and fulfilling relationship.
7 Signs of Sex Addiction

1- Cheating on Partner

An uncontrolled desire for sex can often compel sex addicts to crave more (or more exotic) sex than what their current partner can give them. As a result, they are driven by their compulsion and become unfaithful, and ultimately cheating on their partner regardless of how long or how good the relationship was.

Though of course, it isn’t only sex addicts who cheat on their partners. The difference is sexual addicts (during the act of cheating) exhibit abnormal behavior, with personal choice not being a factor in their actions due to their urges.

Claire understands that engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners could pose a threat to her health. Increasing her risk of contracting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). She also understands that this could lead to David finding out and a confrontation that very well could end their relationship. Yet, she engages anyway, even if she doesn’t want to. 

If you are experiencing compulsive sexual behavior in private, read these signs for self-awareness and see a therapist for a personalized and better diagnosis. You can book your free consultation with Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph, who is a certified sex addiction therapist.

2- Obsession with Sex

Individuals struggling with sex addiction tend to fantasize about sex constantly. How, where, and when - they will begin to plan and put into motion their next sexual activity directly after the last. These desires become so intense that they can affect the addict’s mental and emotional health. 

They begin to lose focus and concentration on the essential ongoing things in their lives. The feeling of powerlessness from the uncontrolled urges sets in, making them feel almost trapped in a corner.

3- Watching Pornography Frequently

According to more research done by the Mayo Clinic Health System - nearly 5 million adults in the U.S. spend over 11 hours a week watching porn and spending several hours a day trying to satisfy their urges. Watching excessive amounts of porn can be another sign of sexual addiction. 

For tips on how to lead a healthier sexual life, check out our article “How to Overcome Sex Addiction.” 

Porn often presents an unrealistic view of sex that is nearly impossible to achieve. Addicts might try to recreate these scenarios in their lives - and when they can’t replicate what they watched the previous night, it can lead to frustration. It could even cause them to lash out at their partner - making their partner feel as if they are not good enough.

If you are facing such a situation, schedule a free consultation with Dr Invia A. Betjoseph — who is a certified sex and porn addiction therapist. 

4- Feeling Shame and Anxiety

Sex addicts, while feeling great during sex, may not feel the best afterward. Their mental state often takes a downturn afterward, leaving them feeling worse than they did during the sexual act. They may feel ‘dirty’ or ‘undesirable’. Especially if, once it is over, their partner has decided that’s enough for the night. This is because they are already beginning to crave their next fix. This mixture of emotions, unfortunately, keeps them in a fixed cycle of feeling incomplete.

5- Masturbation Addiction

According to Very well Mind, excessive masturbation can disrupt the daily functioning of individuals struggling with this issue. In contrast, masturbation is generally considered a normal and even healthy activity. However, when practiced in moderation, excessive or uncontrolled masturbation can lead to physical problems, injury, discomfort, and even pain. 

It can also negatively impact romantic relationships, leading to a lack of interest in intimacy with a partner. When this happens, it creates an emotional distance - which can result in lasting strain due to the individual’s preoccupation with their sexual behavior.  

6- Escalating Sexual Activities

In severe cases, it can go far beyond just watching porn or nudity. It can lead to a rise in sex-related activity. 

For instance, addicts may start partaking in sexual services and go out of their way to visit strip clubs or seek out media/content that can stimulate their thoughts and pleasure. Other sexual activities may include:

  • Visiting adult dating sites 
  • Using adult entertainment apps 
  • Engaging in phone sex
  • Paying for sensual/sexual massages
  • Paying for escorts

7- Risky Sexual Behaviors and Sexual Offenses

Once it escalates, these individuals begin to engage in hazardous and risky activities and endanger themselves and others. 

As the urge for more sex overtakes them - it can lead to sexual transgressions, which, in far too many cases, causes sex addicts to start facing legal problems or even arrest due to sexual criminal offenses.

The following are the risky sexual behaviors that sexual addicts can engage in:  

  • Public sex 
  • Prostitution 
  • Engaging in paraphilia (erotic sexual behavior that involves socially unacceptable sexual practice that cause distress or injury)
  • Pedophelia ( seeking sexual gratification from children) 
  • Sadomasochism (derivation of sexual pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation on others)
  • Exhibitionism (exposing genitals to strangers)
  • Hiring sex workers 
  • Child molestation 

Treating Sex Addiction

According to renowned therapist Dr. Robert Weiss, the treatment techniques for sexual addiction could involve psychotherapy techniques like CBT along with the following others: 

  • Psychoeducation 
  • Social learning 
  • 12-step Program (sex addicts anonymous, also known as SAA)
  • Addiction-focused social support
  • Medication 
  • Marriage counseling 

Psychotherapists treat sexual addiction by diagnosing the underlying causes and reasons behind what caused the addiction in the first place. They also encourage sex-addicted patients to have external support in the form of a friend or an ‘accountability’ partner. 

Are you struggling with sex addiction, lonely and silently? 

Break your loneliness and take control of your life by scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Invia. — who is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist trained in EMDR, specializing in sex addictions, couples therapy, and trauma.

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Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph

Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, MFC 44618. 

As a psychotherapist, a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), and a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT), he provides Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Sex Addiction Treatment for Sexual Addiction and Pornography or Porn Addiction.

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