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How to Overcome Pornography Addiction (Become the Master of Your Life, Again)

“An estimated 40 million Americans regularly visit porn sites,” according to Gitnux. While other research suggests that “around 25% of searches on search engines are related to porn.” 

Do you want to overcome porn addiction? Do you find watching/participating in porn tempting? 

For context: watching porn content occasionally is not a problem, nor is it an addiction. However, it becomes an addiction when you find yourself not being able to resist watching it 24/7 significantly if the need to watch it outweighs plans and other activities, OR starts to cause strain within your close relationships. 

Those who addictively watch porn can potentially face health and self-esteem issues. It can also affect the professional and personal lives of those around them, often leading to marital problems. 

“Porn damages its users, their partners, and the sex performers who do create porn.” – quotes Olivia Luv, the author of “From AAA to XXX: A Dictionary/Commentary on Porn and Porn Addiction.” 

Stop ruining your life and break the obsession with porn. Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Invia, who is a sex and porn addiction therapist.

This article will discuss ten easy ways to help you overcome harmful addiction.

10 Tips to Overcome Pornography Addiction

The following are ten actionable tips and transformative ideas that will help you take control back from porn addiction—hopefully helping you to live a happy and healthy life.

1. Use Adult Content Blocker Software or App

Porn is primarily alluring to new users because of its accessibility, anonymity, and affordability. These 3As or ‘AAA’ act as an engine for porn. It is keeping those addicted to it in the harmful cycle that is addiction.

You can install an adult content blocker app or software for your mobile phone and computer to hide tempting porn links/sites. They can become a barrier, keeping you from quickly accessing adult content. This is especially important when you are having heightened compulsive urges.

For a stronger system, ask someone close to you in your support circle to install the adult content-blocking software and set it using a password only they will know. 

Parents can also use such apps and Google’s safe search feature to protect their children from unwanted nudity websites or inappropriate ads and links. Redirecting them away from possible adult content.

2. Find a New Hobby or Engage in Physical Activities

Finding a new hobby or engaging in other physical activities outdoors can help one overcome unhealthy and damaging habits. 

Exercising is one great way to help preoccupy your mind away from urges to watch porn. Not only that, but it can boost your immune system, metabolism, and other health benefits. You can also play games such as outdoor sports to improve mental well-being, helping you cope with stress and fatigue.

3. Observe Triggers and Eliminate Them

By recognizing what may trigger you into watching pornography - you can begin to get over your hurdle by eliminating them. 

Ask yourself these questions to figure out what may be triggering you: 

  •  When do I like to watch porn most of the time? 
  •  Where do I watch porn more? 
  •  Do I watch porn when I feel exhausted, bored, stressed, or lonely? 
  • What common triggers compel me to watch porn? 
    In most cases, porn addicts begin watching porn to help them cope with stressors caused by everyday life. They could also just be feeling alone. If your addiction is due to these reasons, you can find other ways to relieve stress to help stop yourself.

4. Change Your Surroundings and Build Good Habits

So, you’ve installed a porn blocker and have identified your possible triggers. That’s great! You are halfway done.

Your next task is to improve your surroundings. Dump your bad habits and develop good ones in their place. For example: 

  • Unsubscribe to adult magazines or e-books
  • Remove all nude pictures and digital evidence
  • Dump all hard copies of pornographic content

“Addiction is a habit, and habit keeps us on autopilot,” says James Clear, the author of ‘Atomic Habits.’ “Motivation is overvalued. Environment often matters more.”

5. Meditation and Mindfulness

Because it’s stress that is the leading cause of porn addiction - the best way that you can organically deal with it is by practicing meditation and mindfulness. It fosters a deep sense of relaxation and mental clarity that can reduce stress levels. 

Meditating can also lower your blood pressure, improving emotional regulation and giving you a clear picture of life that maybe you haven’t had in a while due to being blurred by porn. 

Suppose you are relying on support groups and therapists to treat your addiction. In that case, you can take steps independently to ensure you are getting a well-rounded approach by transitioning it into your everyday routine.

6. Join a 12-Step Group Program/Sessions

In a 12-step group, they can help you openly discuss your problems and challenges toward recovery in a neutral and judgment-free zone. 

It can also involve those who have successfully overcome similar addictions. Giving a sense of community to other addicts, telling them they are not alone in their fight. This recovery program is a more structured approach.

7. Seek Help from a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist

Breaking the cycle is never easy. If it gets to where you don’t feel that anything else is helping, you should seek a porn recovery CSAT therapist. They can help to make the process a bit swifter than if you were to do it entirely on your own. When looking, you should make sure your therapist is compassionate enough to understand your problems. 

Get a free consultation with Dr. Invia to find out if you are a perfect fit with him. 

skilled therapist may employ psychotherapy, such as CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), or a combination of both therapeutic

techniques for treatment. You do not need to feel any shame in discussing your problems with a therapist.

They are professionals who can help you with the following things without judgment:

  • Diagnosing addiction
  • Identifying underlying causes behind addiction
  • Providing proper guidance
  • Treating addiction

8. Medication and Pharmacological Solutions

Talk therapy and CBT can be practical tools in managing addictive behaviors like sex or porn addiction. However, in some cases, a therapist may consider the need for medication and pharmacological solutions, such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, etc, to treat you due to mental health complications. 

Note: Always take proper medication at your therapist’s recommendation.

9. Use Journaling and Transformative Affirmations

You can use journaling and daily affirmations to change your thinking completely. You can find prompts online to respond to on paper. That way, you have something to look over and read with your therapist or support group when figuring out the deeper part of why you turned to porn in the first place. 

Similarly, you can say affirmations daily:

  • I feel a porn-free life
  • I control my sexual urges

10. Set Visionary Goals

Setting visionary goals in your life will help you stay on track. Avoiding porn is your number one priority when overcoming addiction. Define your core values and passions by reflecting on what truly matters. What is your ideal future? 

Take a moment and imagine where you want to be in five years. You may be working towards a promotion or want to propose to your spouse. You could even be planning to have kids. It’s all about picturing the kind of life that you aspire to lead someday. 

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Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph

Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, MFC 44618. 

As a psychotherapist, a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), and a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT), he provides Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Sex Addiction Treatment for Sexual Addiction and Pornography or Porn Addiction.

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