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10 Questions to Ask a Cheating/Unfaithful Spouse/Partner

If you have ever been cheated on, then you know personally that dealing with the emotional impact of having someone you trusted cheat on you is never fun. 

It is something from which it takes a long time to heal. Today, we will discuss 10 questions to ask your cheating spouse/partner.

Dr. Invia can guide you through the process with a free video consultation to help you move past this bump in the road.

Understanding Cheating of Unfaithful Spouse

Understanding cheating of faithful spouse

When you initially find out your partner cheated,  it can be hard to comprehend. You will experience a myriad of emotions all at once. You will feel overwhelmed, hurt, and angry, and these are all normal things to feel.

What to do when your spouse cheats on you?

When your spouse cheats on you, what you should do depends on how you find out. Did you find out from them? Or someone else? 

If they came to you with full sincerity and empathy, then being honest about the affair may provide an opportunity to fix your relationship. Most people, when they get cheated on, feel that there was something that they, themselves, lacked. 

However, that is not always the case. The person who cheated often faced an internal struggle and felt that something was lacking.

Things to do before Asking Questions

Before you begin asking your partner questions about the why, where, and when, consider taking these steps: 

  • You should mentally prepare yourself: you need to be in a good and clear place so that you can get the full clarity you need.
  • Make a list of what exactly you want to ask and reflect on them before the conversation.

How do you have a conversation after cheating?

After the affair, to have a true conversation with your partner, make sure to plan a time to sit down together in a setting where you feel completely comfortable. That way, you feel safe to allow your emotions to flow – giving room for healing.

10 Things Your Cheating Spouse Doesn’t Want You to Know

As Grontvedt and colleagues observed, “It’s difficult to imagine a long-term relationship without some kind of transgression.” They also said that “breaking promises and rules is almost inevitable, even when there’s no intention to harm a partner.”

  1. Your spouse will not want to admit they have been keeping secrets. 
  2. They’ve betrayed your trust knowingly. 
  3. The guilt that they feel over the affair when looking at you is overwhelming. 
  4. Your partner will try to make excuses, but they are just that– excuses. 
  5. They may have put your health at risk (like STDS, or other types of infections). 
  6. The vows that they made to you when you got together/married have been broken. 
  7. Moments and memories that you could have made together were forfeited. 
  8. They’ve hurt you and your self-esteem. 
  9. Your future together is now uncertain and damaged. 
  10. They fear losing you– they know that saying that out loud won’t sound truthful after the affair.

10 Deep Questions To Ask your Cheating Spouse/Partner (after Infidelity)

10 Questions to ask your cheating spouse

By questioning  your partner after the affair, you can clear up uncertainties between you. You won’t have to stay up at night questioning how to improve your communication, because you'll feel confident enough to simply ask.

  1. “Did you feel guilty?”: Asking if your partner felt guilty during or after the affair can help you determine if they feel true empathy for the pain they caused you.
  2. “How long did it last?”: It’s important to know the duration of the cheating. It will give you an idea of just how deep into it they were emotionally. 
  3. “Did you think about me?”: It’s easy to think that when your partner cheats, they don’t think of you. However, this may not always be the case. 
  4. “Can trust between us be fixed?”: This question is more so asking yourself, but bringing your partner into the conversation for their input. 
  5. “What did you tell them about our relationship?”: Was the other person aware of your relationship status? If not, why weren’t they informed? 
  6. “Can the relationship be saved?”: You need to find out if your partner wants the relationship to be saved. Sometimes, after discovering they are cheating, they don’t.
  7. “What do you need from me?”: This question seems a bit harsh, considering you needed loyalty from them. But if you want to move on with your relationship and heal, then you should address your needs. 
  8. “Will it happen again?”: Discuss if this is an ongoing thing that you will need to be worried about. Together you can make a plan to put your own mind at ease and figure out ways to know this won’t happen again. 
  9. “Why did you cheat?”: Getting to the bottom of why they cheated in the first place can be the very thing that saves your relationship. If you can work through it together and fix what is broken at the roots, then it is less likely this will happen again. 
  10. “Should I stay or go?”: Help your partner understand that this situation is something that deeply hurts you.  Even though you might not know what you are going to do yet. Find out if they truly care about you and if they can imagine a life without you in it.

Give Your Marriage a Chance to Survive after Infidelity

A lot of people after finding out their partner cheated end things right then and there. But it’s a bit more complicated than that if you are married. Walking away from a marriage means divorce, legal proceedings, court, and more. Let us emphasize that choosing to walk away does not make you a weaker person. However, if you are willing to invest the time and effort, then your marriage can still be saved.

Related: When to Walk Away from someone with Mental Illness

The first thing that you and your partner should consider is couples therapy. Therapy can be a valuable resource, whether pursued individually or as a couple, to help rebuild trust after betrayal. It can also help uncover the deeper, underlying reasons for your partner's actions. A good therapist like Dr. Invia for example can guide you through the process with a free video consultation to help you move past this bump in the road.  

Obsessing can be a significant challenge – how do you overcome it? Following your partner's infidelity, you might feel plagued by a constant reminder of their betrayal. To combat this, try shifting your focus from their wrongdoings to the positive actions they’re taking now. Reflect on the reasons you're still committed to saving your marriage despite everything that has happened. This shift in focus can help with your personal healing and strengthen your relationship overall.

What if Recovery Therapy does not work?

Obsessing can be a significant challenge – how do you overcome it? Following your partner's infidelity, you might feel plagued by a constant reminder of their betrayal. To combat this, try shifting your focus from their wrongdoings to the positive actions they’re taking now. Reflect on the reasons you're still committed to saving your marriage despite everything that has happened. This shift in focus can help with your personal healing and strengthen your relationship overall.

Should I divorce to get rid of my cheating spouse?

If they do not change and your relationship has reached a toxic or even mentally abusive point, you should consider a divorce. This will allow you to genuinely move forward and eventually find someone who is better suited for you and contributes to a healthier relationship.

Best Divorcing Option in CA

The best divorce option for you in California that will save you precious time and money would be to go through mediation and do a DIY divorce. A DIY divorce is basically where you and your partner work together to complete and file the needed paperwork for the divorce without the help of a legal professional. If you need help with this process it would be easiest to hire a mediator (it is cheaper than hiring an attorney) so that they can meet with both of you. Look over the proceedings to make sure you fill out what you need to, communicate in a way that will keep things fair, and help you make a plan for after your divorce is finalized. 

If you plan to hire a mediator, the best service you can use is Families First Mediation. At Families First Mediation each of their carefully picked mediators has years of education and certification, run by their head mediator Dina Haddad. “Divorce is stressful enough. Put your family first; we will do the rest. We offer the most comprehensive divorce mediation in California. Each of our mediators has over 20 years of family law experience.”


Dealing with infidelity in your relationship is very challenging. It is not for the weak minded and can lead to emotionally damaging consequences that may require therapy to help you process. Just know that it’s okay. You are not a bad person for choosing to walk away, nor are you ‘crazy’ for seeking out help from a professional. 

Dr. Invia can guide you through the process with a free video consultation to help you move past this bump in the road.

Related: Finding Best Online Therapist in CA

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to ask a spouse after cheating?

Ask questions that will bring out an emotional response from your partner. The goal is to discuss  together about where to go from there and if your relationship is worth saving.

How to ask a partner if they are cheating?

If you think that your partner is cheating, it's essential to gather any evidence that supports your concerns. Once you have this information, approach them calmly to facilitate a constructive conversation. Keeping a calm demeanor is essential for fostering open and honest dialogue. 

Is there a test to see if someone cheated?

Yes! There is a test called an ‘Infidelity DNA Test’ and according to, “it is the best way to gain scientific proof of a cheating partner. Whether you’ve been noticing strange behavior or suspicious stains/smells.”

Does the pain of cheating ever go away?


Whether you choose individual or couples counseling, a skilled therapist can assist you in overcoming the pain of infidelity. Their guidance can support you in understanding your emotions and promoting healing within your relationship.  Healing will require significant time and patience.

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Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph

Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, MFC 44618. 

As a psychotherapist, a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), and a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT), he provides Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Sex Addiction Treatment for Sexual Addiction and Pornography or Porn Addiction.

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