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When to Walk Away from Someone with Mental Illness

More than 900 million people (nearly 1 in every 8 people) in 2019 were living with a mental disorder such as anxiety and depressive disorders, which are  the most common ones according to  the World Health Organization (WHO). 

The other mental disorders are post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia, eating disorder, and neurodevelopmental disorder. 

If your spouse, partner, friend, or any other loved one has a mental illness, it will impact your relationship. A healthy relationship relies on communication, trust, stability,, and empathy, which can be challenging to maintain with someone experiencing mental illness. 

could not be possible with a person having a mental illness. 

Walking away from a beloved family member in their time of need can have consequences. However, it is not a reason to risk your own mental and physical well-being due to their mental disorder. In fact,  you should explore relevant options and a well-rounded approach before deciding to leave your loved one on their own. 

Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph, who has helped  adults, and couples live a healthy life by treating mental health conditions. 

Dr. Betjoseph is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist trained in EMDR, specializing in sex addictions, couples therapy, and trauma. 

This article discusses common signs of mental illness, six signs to consider before walking away from your loved one, and solutions to help your partner recover from mental illness.  

Top 50 Signs Your Loved One Has Mental Illness

When to Walk Away from Someone with Mental Illness

Mental illness can impact a person's behavior and daily life, as well as affect the caregiver. The signs of mental illness can vary depending on the condition and require a proper diagnosis from a reputable mental health professional.  

The following are the signs of mental illness mentioned in the book “50 Signs of Mental Illness” by James Whitney Hicks: 

  1. Anger
  2. Anxiety Disorder 
  3. Anti-Social Behavior
  4. Trauma
  5. Stress 
  6. Speech Difficulties 
  7. Sloppiness 
  8. Sleep Problems 
  9. Sexual Preoccupations 
  10. Sexual Performance Problems 
  11. Self-Mutilation 
  12. Self-Esteem Issues 
  13. Religious Preoccupation
  14. Eating disorders
  15. Avoidance 
  16. Body Image Problems 
  17. Compulsions 
  18. Confusion 
  19. Cravings 
  20. Deceitfulness 
  21. Delusions 
  22. Denial 
  23. Depression
  24. Disassociation 
  25. Euphoria 
  26. Fatigue 
  27. Fears 
  28. Flashbacks 
  29. Grandiosity 
  30. Grief
  31. Hallucinations
  32. Histrionics
  33. Hyperactivity 
  34. Identity Confusion 
  35. Impulsiveness
  36. Intoxication
  37. Jealousy
  38. Learning Difficulties 
  39. Mania 
  40. Memory Loss
  41. Mood Swings 
  42. Movement Issues 
  43. Nonsense
  44. Obsessions 
  45. Oddness 
  46. Panic 
  47. Paranoia
  48. Pain 
  49. Psychosis 
  50. Suicidal Thoughts

Note: A thorough diagnosis by a therapist is essential before identifying a mental health condition in an individual. 

The following are 6 signs indicating the need to reassess your relationship with your mentally ill spouse or relative. 

Physically Abusive Relationship 

If the mentally ill person poses a threat to your safety, you should consider cutting ties with them, as a relationship with a history of abuse can jeopardize your well-being.

Physical abuse should never be present in a healthy relationship with your spouse or siblings. It is vital to set boundaries and seek help from a seasoned clinician to deal with any underlying mental health issues if violence is taking place.

The following negative behaviors are potential reasons to seek safety or leave the relationship:

  • Breaking your possessions 
  • Physical Beatings 
  • Biting and scratching  
  • Harming children 
  • Throwing things at you
  • Locking you in the room
  • Abandoning you at different locations

Emotional abuse can have profound and lasting effects on your mental, emotional, and psychological well-being. 

It's crucial to prioritize your emotional health and seriously consider whether remaining in an abusive situation is in your best interest.

Choosing to protect yourself from emotional abuse is not selfish; it's an act of self-preservation and self-respect. Your emotional well-being should be your top priority. 

The long-term consequences of emotional abuse can be severe, often leading to diminished self-esteem, a fractured sense of identity, and increased risk of depression and anxiety.

Ask yourself: Can you truly thrive in a relationship with someone who consistently disrespects you? 

It's important to recognize that you deserve better than to live with a person who invades your personal boundaries and resents your successes. Remember, a healthy relationship should support your growth, not stifle it.

Emotional and mental abuse can involve any of the following things: 

  1. Insulting you all the time
  2. Taunting you regarding your insecurities 
  3. Using blaming and abusive language
  4. Criticizing you and being vindictive over trivial matters
  5. Placing unreasonable expectations on you
  6. Manipulating and coercing you
  7. Gaslighting and stonewalling

Healthy relationships thrive on mutual empathy, which serves as the cornerstone of emotional support between you and your loved one. 

Conversely, a lack of empathy can lead to feelings of isolation and emptiness. In such situations, it's crucial to reassess the relationship, considering whether to continue together or seek solutions through individual or family therapy.

Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Invia and find ways to repair your relationship and the mental health of your loved one. 

You cannot change someone who is unwilling to change themselves. If your spouse resists your efforts to address their mental disorder through therapy or counseling, it may be time to set boundaries and/or consider walking away for a period of time to protect your own well-being. 

They might be avoiding counseling due to fear. In such cases, try to educate them about the benefits. According to the American Psychiatric Association, recent research shows that over 75% of people report satisfaction with their counseling sessions.

Are you experiencing a sense of stagnation in your personal or professional life due to the time and energy devoted to caring for a mentally ill loved one?

 This situation may be hindering your goals and career progress. It's important not to compromise your own well-being indefinitely.

Consider two paths forward: actively addressing their mental health issues or finding a way to distance yourself from the situation. Remember, a healthy relationship should be built on mutual support and benefit both parties involved.

If you suspect your spouse has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) or exhibits strong narcissistic traits, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and manage the situation. 

The following are the common 9 signs you may see in your narcissistic husband or wife. 

1. Sense of Entitlement

2. Manipulative Behavior

3. Need for Admiration

4. Lack of Empathy

5. Arrogance

6. Grandiosity

7. Interpersonal Exploitativeness

8. Preoccupation with Success

9. Envy

It is very difficult to balance caring for a loved one with mental health issues and exercising self-care. However, there are successful ways to uphold both your relationship, as well as your loved one without undermining either of them.

Below are some ways to help repair boundaries, improve your relationship, and address mental health concerns:

  • Professional Support
  • Online Therapy
  • Couples or Individual Counseling
  • EMDR or other trauma therapy
  • Support Networks
  • Friends, Family, and Caregivers

Counseling in California

Counseling or counselling in California is a form of talk therapy in which you discuss your wide range of mental and other issues with a counselor or mental health professional. You can discuss your problematic thoughts, emotions and other experiences with a counselor related to: 

  • Mental health problems (depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, as well as addictions, etc.)
  • Relationship issues  (within family or friends)
  • Life transitions (adjusting to new environments, coping with job changes, etc.)
  • Personal growth (career, personal, professional, goals, etc.)

Is Counseling and Therapy the Same Thing in CA?

Both therapy and counseling in CA aim to improve an individual's well-being. Are they similar and one thing? No, though they overlap and are used interchangeably, they are subtly different. 

Steven M. Sultanoff, a psychologist and professor at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA, differentiates between counseling and therapy in this way: 

“Counselors serve as advisers and they can give short-term advice for specific problems. While therapists are facilitators for client growth.”

DepthCounseling is a short-term solution-oriented treatmentTherapy is an in-depth and long-term treatment
PurposeIt just tunes mental well-beingIt overhauls mental and emotional health by exploring the root causes of traumatic wounds or experiences
FactorsCounseling works for conscious processes and problems induced by external factorsTherapy usually deals with psychological problems and addresses conscious, subconscious, and unconscious parts of the mind
Focus AreaIt deals with a wide range of concerns (job, relationship, couples, premarital, career, stress, etc.)It deals with mental health problems, behavioral issues, and emotional wounds
SpecificityIt focuses on identifying and resolving specific issues or current mental/emotional problemsIt focuses on a wide range of recurring mental health issues and complex problems

Aims and Objectives of California Counseling 

The following are the aims and objectives of counseling: 

  • Promoting people’s psychological and mental well-being
  • Facilitating behavioral change in a safe, non-judgmental space
  • (Relationship counseling) improving the patient's ability to maintain good relationships with other
  • Improving individual's decision-making skill 
  • Resolving individual’s inner conflicts and life problems 
  • Guiding people through loss
  • Empowering people to take rational actions in the event of changes 
  • Enhancing people’s self-awareness
  • Helping people achieve self-actualization
  • Developing healthy coping mechanism 

Different Formats of Counseling: 

Counselors, in California, offer different formats for their counseling services. You can choose any of the following formats based on your specific needs, preferences, accessibility, and comfort level with technology.

  • In-Person or Traditional Counseling

 This is face-to-face counseling, and you have to visit the counselor's office after scheduling an appointment. 

Feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, trauma, or addiction? Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph, a leading California counselor and therapist with 20+ years of experience, can help you reclaim control and build a happier life. 

Schedule a free consultation today and start your journey to well-being.

  • Telephonic Counseling

This suits best to the busy individuals who either lack time to visit the counselor's chamber or feel uncomfortable in video calls. And they access the counselor through a phone call. 

  • Online Counseling

Since the rise of Covid-19, online counseling in California  has become a trend. People from remote areas can now easily access their counselor while sitting at home. Moreover, people with disabilities or who cannot reach the counseling center can use video conferencing software such as Zoom or Skype to get counseling. 

  • Text-Based Counseling

In this format, you get counseling by sending a text message either through an email or through messaging apps. It suits best to people who prefer written communication though it may not ideally address complex concerns. 

  • Group Counseling

In group counseling, individuals meet face-to-face with one or more mental health clinicians to receive counseling. People with common concerns get together for shared support and guidance. One of the benefits of group counseling is that participants learn from their peers' experiences. Group counseling fosters a sense of belonging and reduces the sense of isolation while being inexpensive.

California Counseling Process: Discussing 5 Steps of Counseling 

Counseling is a confidential and planned process that involves meeting a counselor to discuss (your current) problems in life. A counselor uses different techniques and tools to help clients identify sources of difficulties in their lives. 

As the process continues, the person with difficulties starts overcoming the problems (emotional, psychological, mental, etc.) while learning a new skill and increasing their awareness of themselves and others. 

According to Hackney and Cormier, counseling is a series of steps through which client and counselor move. 

The 5 steps of the counseling process in California  are as follows: 

  • Step #1: Relationship Building 
  • Step #2: Problem Assessment 
  • Step #3: Goal Setting 
  • Step #4: Counseling Intervention 
  • Step #5: Evaluation and Termination 

Misconceptions and Realities of Counseling in California 

Some people want to talk to a friend when they have emotional difficulties or stress instead of relying on a counselor, while many think that counseling is for people who have severe emotional or mental health issues. How do you see counseling? Below are some common misconceptions about counseling in California: 

Feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, trauma, or addiction? Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph, a leading California counselor and therapist with 20+ years of experience, can help you reclaim control and build a happier life. 

Schedule a free consultation today and start your journey to well-being.

  • Misconception: Therapy and counseling are similar.
  • Reality: Therapy determines the root cause of complex problems. While counseling deals with current challenges.
  • Misconception: Seeing a counselor is a sign of weakness.
  • Reality: It's a sign of bravery and willingness to resolve conflict wisely rather than letting them grow and taking us to the point of no function. 
  • Misconception: Counseling is all about your past experiences.
  • Reality: It usually addresses current problems and negative experiences.  However, if required, a counselor may ask you to discuss past issues relevant to your current situation. 
  • Misconception: People with severe mental health and emotional issues should meet with a counselor
  • Reality: It is untrue. You do not need a point of no return to see a counselor. You tune up your car from time to time, though it's running well. You see a physician when you get sick. Isn't it? So, if you have a mild or little problem, then why not see a counselor?
  • Misconception: Counseling is painful, as you have to revisit your trauma repeatedly in the counseling sessions. 
  • Reality: Counseling is never a painful experience because an empathetic counselor engages clients professionally (without judging them). And yes, you may be required to visit your negative experiences only in initial sessions. 


At San Jose Counseling, our therapists CAMFT(California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist) provide Relationship therapy, Marriage and Couples counseling to those in Sunnyvale, CA.  We believe everyone deserves to have a successful marriage, and that includes Sunnyvale, CA. We will equip you with the right tools to succeed in your marriage or relationship. Sunnyvale Ca is a gorgeous city in a prime location in silicon valley and close to our offices.

Professional Marriage and Couples Counseling for Sunnyvale Ca residents

There is plenty of material about how you can strengthen your marriage or relationship. Of course, communication is often one of the items on the top of the list. However, a successful marriage requires far more than just communication. Your core beliefs, values, and family background are impacting your marriage. If you have suffered untreated trauma, it can negatively impact your relationship.

When a spouse suffers from addictions or mental disorders, the weight of those problems can hurt the couple. It’s important not to let time pass by without addressing these issues. At San Jose Counseling, with marriage counseling or couples counseling, we are confident that we can provide you with the skills and tools for to succeed.

Marriage and Couples Counseling Sunnyvale CA

You can regain control of your marriage or relationship. You can fall in love again, and this time with greater intimacy, understanding, and depth.  In marriage therapy or couples therapy, our therapist can help you identify the areas in your marriage that need work and help you maximize your strengths.

At San Jose Counseling, Invia A. Betjoseph, LMFT, CAMFT CSAT is a specialized couple’s counselor. He is well known and respected in the Bay Area, including Sunnyvale, CA. He specializes in marriage and couples counseling, Family and Relationship therapy and has a gift for helping those where addictions, affairs, or other serious issues plague the relationship.

Don’t let these or any other issues get the best of your relationship. It’s time to take the first step for couples counseling or marriage counseling.  Let us help you take your relationship and make it great.

If you would like to know more about how our couples counseling Sunnyvale and marriage counseling Sunnyvale services can help you contact us for more information.

San Jose Counseling with Dr. Invia Betjoseph

Dr. Invia A. Betjoseph is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, MFC 44618. 

As a Psychotherapist, and a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, he provides Psychotherapy, or Counseling and Sex Addiction Treatment for Sexual Addiction and Pornography or Porn Addiction.

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